Interactive Brokers Collegiate Trading OlympiadInteractive Brokers Group, a worldwide leader in market making and broker-dealer services, is pleased to announce our third annual IB Collegiate Trading Olympiad, where students create and implement a real-time program trading application and attempt to generate the largest profit. This unique forum allows the future leaders in technology to compete for potential jobs and up to $100,000 in prize money. Interactive Brokers is sponsoring the Olympiad to highlight the growing need for tech savvy students in the financial industry, and to draw attention to this need in academia generally and particularly among students who are making important career choices...(full article)http://www.interactivebrokers.com/en/general/education/IBTradingOlympiad.php
簡單講, 參賽者要編寫交易程式做自動買賣, 每人本金1,000,000 為時八星期, 獲利最多
為冠軍, 獎金100000美元以及有機會入職IB, 非常吸引!!
今年IB再來一次,而且特別指明希望香港地區積極參與, 如果我係學生就好啦...哈哈...
故然我想贏比賽, 而更想係可以入到國際金融交易機構工作, 雖然我參賽不了,但
難免想參與其中,如果有香港學生參賽,我非常樂意 give an introductory talk,
講下獲利原理同埋點樣可以多層面outstanding 於一眾對手中.
聯絡: "tgwmailbox-contact在香港yahoo電郵"
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