Identifying Themes in the Stock Market
*3/9/2025 - The most effective way to work on your trading is to identify
themes in your P/L. Suppose you break down your P/L by market condition:
Dataviz of the Month Dec / Jan
We’re posting funny / interesting / intriguing graphics daily on our
channels CREATED BY US » Three Years of the Ukraine War not much hope here
» Most Beau...
Iterative PSD Shrinkage (IPS)
In the previous post the framework for Generalized Downside Implied
Correlations was introduced. You can use this correlation matrix derived
from joint ris...
Using ChatGPT to Assess Soft Firm-level Risks
Can artificial intelligence (AI) models help investors quantify vague firm
risks through textual analysis? In their October 2023 paper entitled “From
Asset Class Scoreboard – H1 2021
The Q2 numbers are in – and there’s just no stopping commodities, it
seems, as they put in another three months of gains to lead all assets YTD
as we hi...
Extreme Ownership: A Trader’s Perspective
When reading non-trading related books I always like to think about how
they might apply to my field of choice. One of my all-time favorite books
is one wh...
You Can Learn a Lot by Reading Elon Musk’s Emails
Good leadership is about having good reflexes, especially in moments of
crisis. When there’s a problem in a group, most leaders tend to respond by
不要用 MC 的理由
這篇文章是發表在 FB 社團裡的,沒想到會有這麼大的回響,所以就再轉回 blog 吧。
關於今天提到不要用 MC
MC 是因為用 MC 通常就會出現這...
More on’s RSI(2) Strategy
Back in 2012, I penned a friendly debunking of’s RSI(2)
mean-reversion strategy for trading the volatility ETN XIV. The thrust of
the po...
索契冬奧男子 5000 米速度滑冰冠軍、荷蘭人 Sven Kramer 創下奧運紀錄。
不過,他比自己七年前所創的世界紀錄還是慢了 7.4 秒,亦即是說,他比自己的 personal best 慢了 7.4 秒。
呂品韜參加 1500 米,在挑戰獎牌無望的情況之下,挑戰 personal best 就成了...
Check Out The New Quantifiable Edges!
Quantifiable Edges has undergone a complete site overhaul! Part of that
overhaul included moving the blog. New posts can be found at the address
The Giving Pledge Welcomes Seven New Signatories
SEATTLE – Dec. 10, 2013 – Seven more wealthy families and individuals are
joining the Giving Pledge by committing to give half or more of their
wealth to c...
Lobang Ah: Vacancy for Full-time FX Trader/s
Full-time discretionary FX trader/s A Singapore registered private
equity firm with an existing team of experienced traders is looking to
employ severa...
The absent signal
All that Technical Analysis is about is to reveal the underlying signal
that is nested in the time series. In a narrow sense (for a specific kind
of time s...
Out of the Money Calendar Spreads
This is a guest post by Derek Devore, an experienced options trader. Find
out more about his OptionBoost Video Training Program at O...
Last Blog Post
Well guys, with the end of 2010 almost here I thought I would take this
opportunity to make a "final post" in my blog. The forum has completely
taken over...
The New Market Wizards
~ [person name] put "[title]" onto shelf
How a Trader Might Improve the Odds of Success
Trading financial markets successfully is a very difficult line of work.
Most of the methodology presented to the retail trader has little chance of
Indicator and Trading Pattern Posts - Volume Four
This is the final 2009 archive post covering indicators and trading
methods. It covers November and December posts; see the separate archives
for August, S...